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hotel it. のオリジナルタータン、”it. tartan”


it. tartan Cushion Cover

it. tartanは、hotel it.の5つエレメントに対応した5色の糸から織られています。白、青、緑、赤、そして黒。はっきりした色の糸を使い、織り方と糸の分量などから絶妙な風合いの格子柄を生み出すのが、この綾織物の醍醐味なのです。目を近づけてみると織糸の微細な毛羽立ちが、規則的なグリッド柄に柔らかな印象を与えているのがわかりますね!

5 color threads


it. tartan Detail


it. tartan Bed Throw ¥24,000 w/tax

Dryer Bag ¥2,800 w/tax

it. tartan coaster

hotel it. の様々な場所にはタータンが使われています。it. tartanの生地そのものを使用しているのは、ヘッドボード、クッション、ベッドスロー、ドライヤー袋など。ちょっと意外な物はバーのコースターもit. tartanで作られています。優しい肌触りを是非試して見てください。

it. tartan Cushion Cover ¥6,900 w/tax

各ルームにセットしてあるアメニティポーチも、撥水と耐久性のある現代の繊維でit. tartanのデザインを再現しています。hotel it.に宿泊した後の旅路にちょっとでもお役だちしたく、お一人様一個をプレゼント。ゲストルームで使用した後には、是非旅のお供に連れて行ってください。

Amenity Pouch ¥2,800 w/tax

なお、it. tartanのグッズはフロント脇のショーケースで販売中です。お求めの際にはお気軽にフロントまで。

Showcase at The Reception


hotel it.’s original tartan “it. tartan”

The visual identity of hotel it. is “tartan”.
It is the green and blue plaid that is used not only in the hotel but also in various places on this website.
Not only did we adopt this tartan just as a “design”, but in fact, we’ve really made the fabric of our original tartan!

it. tartan is woven with five colored threads representing the five elements of hotel it. White, blue, green, red and black. The highlight of this twill fabric is a fine-patterned plaid that is produced by the good balance of clear-colored threads, the way of weaving, and the amount of thread used.
If you look closely, you can see that the fine fuzz of the threads gives a soft impression to the regular grid pattern!

Tartan has a long history, and Scotland seems to be the birthplace of it. The oldest tartan in the world is a piece of cloth excavated in Falkirk region around A.D. 325.

There are about 300 kinds of tartan worn by Scottish clan. When gathering at ceremonies etc., They wore the same pattern of tartan in the family to show dignity, and it was also used to distinguish allies at war. It seems to have a similar meaning to a Japanese flag and family crest. There is also a record that clans who lost the war were not able to wear their-own tartan anymore. In Scotland, a land with high latitudinal and high humidity, the densely woven wool tartan seems to be a valuable fabric to prevent from getting low body temperature caused by the cold wind.

it. tartan is used in various places in the hotel. For example, The headboards, cushions, bed throws, dryer bags, etc. are made of the fabric of it. tartan. Surprisingly, the coasters at the bar are made of it. tartan as well. Please try the gentle touch of the fabric has.

The amenity pouch set in each room reproduces it. tartan using modern fiber that is water-resistant and durable. As a token of our appreciation, we’d like to give this pouch for every one of our dear guests. Take it with you as your travel friend!

We sell our original “it. tartan” goods on the shelf in the reception area. Please feel free to ask us if you want them!